Top 10 Canadian Fabricating & Welding stories of 2019

A look at some of the most popular fabricating and welding content of the year

It's that time of year again! We are showcasing the most popular Canadian Fabricating & Welding articles and news items, based on website traffic, for 2019.

It's always interesting to see what news stories and articles caught the eyes of our readers. Was it a news item about the manufacturing industry, an in-depth look at a fabricating technology, or perhaps a welding shop profile? Our readers voted with their clicks and we want to highlight these most-read stories.

The following are the top 10 stories of 2019:

  1. Cobot or not
  2. Sheet metal fab shop uses nesting software for material optimization
  3. New bursary for Ontario welding students launched
  4. Women in the trades: still more to be done
  5. Choosing the right welding helmet
  6. Diving into underwater welding and burning
  7. 5 tips for successfully moving pipeline welding to wire processes
  8. Submerged arc tech tips
  9. Trade school resurgence with welding investments
  10. Managing aluminum welds from surface prep to finishing

If you haven't had a chance to read some of these articles, news stories, and reports, now is your chance to see what your fellow readers enjoyed.