Rigaku KT-500 hand-held LIBS analyzer can identify carbon

Rigaku Analytical Devices has introduced the KT-500, a hand-held, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analyzer. Featuring a carbon-capable, miniaturized, high-resolution echelle spectrometer, the unit can identify elements such as carbon that were difficult to see with previous-generation hand-held LIBS analyzers. This gives the user the ability to analyze ferrous and nonferrous alloys on one device.

The analyzer identifies low-alloy steels, stainless steels, nickel and cobalt alloys, and carbon steels. Its carbon analysis, along with low detection limits for other key elements, makes it suitable for determining carbon equivalence and for solving key applications required in petrochemical facilities, including sulfidation, corrosion, and residual elements.

Rigaku | www.rigakuanalytical.com