How to support a multi-generational workplace

The number of older workers with part time or flexible work hours is on the rise

Having a multi-generational workforce

Because older workers tend to require more time to recover when an injury occurs, it's important to consider this in your return-to-work program.

In Canada, life expectancy is high, birth rates are declining, and the boomer generation is aging. At the same time, the age distribution in the workforce and the size of the retired population are both growing.

From 1996 to 2018, the proportion of workers in Canada aged 55 and older increased to 21 per cent from 10 per cent. This shift is affecting all occupations, though there are differences in the extent and pace of aging in various sectors. The number of older workers who work part time or have other flexible work arrangements is also on the rise.

Understanding Challenges for Older Workers

Some studies show that older workers tend to have fewer accidents and work-related injuries, but when they do get injured, they may take longer to recover. Repetitive motion injuries, for example, develop over time, so an older worker may report more musculoskeletal injuries because they've had more time for the condition to develop. Regardless of age, there is a risk for injury when the physical demands of the job exceed the capabilities of the worker.

Changes in mental capacity may also occur as a person ages. It may take longer for them to learn new skills. Fluid intelligence (inductive reasoning, selective attention, dual-task activities, and information processing) generally declines with age, while verbal tasks and vocabulary (talking and expressing themselves) remain constant or improve.

Tasks that depend on short-term memory usually take longer for older workers, who tend to use experience and expertise when working. They may also find it hard to perform tasks in which they have to do (or think) a lot of different things quickly or at one time. It may be more challenging to work in a busy environment. They may be less able to focus attention only on information relevant to the task at hand, especially in new situations. There may be so much going on that they aren't sure what to prioritize, what to pay attention to, and what to ignore.

Benefits of Having Older Workers

Though older workers may require some accommodation to do their jobs safely and thrive in their roles, making those adjustments can yield benefits for the entire workplace. In addition to bringing a broader range of perspectives, older workers tend to have a deep well of experience to draw from. When their training or probation is complete, they may require less supervision than their younger co-workers.

Because older workers tend to be loyal to one employer and less likely to change jobs as frequently, they can lower staff turnover and instances of absenteeism in the workplace. They also bring an emotional maturity to their work.

Supporting Older Workers

Because learning is often based on previous experience, training for older workers may require a more practical focus.

Explain new skills in a way that fits into what they already know. Justification and the logic behind the information–why you're doing what you're doing–are more important. Training may take longer and may need to be paired with more assistance or practice. Once the learning curve has been reached, several studies show there may not be a difference in how well someone works.

Cognitive functions–how someone learns and thinks–depend on the individual and the experiences they have had during their lifetime. People who have had a lot of training or education, or who have had to carry out a variety of tasks, are experienced learners. They typically are able to learn new skills well and improve the ones they have with ease. People who may be more resistant to learning as an older adult include those who have little formal training or who have carried out relatively simple or repetitive tasks for many years. They are used to doing the same thing the same way and may find it harder to accept new information or ways of doing things.

Because older workers tend to require more time to recover when an injury occurs, it's important to consider this in your return-to-work program and to make reasonable adjustments to their job or workstation to make work as safe as possible.

Regardless of age, you need to set workers up for success by providing a safe work environment that reduces the chance of injury or occupational illness.

Make sure that your equipment is in good working condition; provide thorough and adaptable training; create safe work procedures; ensure low chemical and hazard exposure; have a supportive management style; and look at all risk assessments with an eye on worker age. With a little consideration and good communication, you’ll reap the benefits of a multi-generational workplace.

This article was supplied by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), 135 Hunter St. East, Hamilton, Ont. L8N 1M5, 800-668-4284,