Tungaloy TungMeister exchangeable-head end mill series reduces tool change time

Tungaloy has expanded its TungMeister exchangeable-head end mill series with the AH715 and AH735 insert grades for the series’ slot, square shoulder, and chamfer milling tools.

In slot or groove milling processes, chip re-cutting is a common issue, often causing edge chipping and tool breakage. To heighten fracture toughness and wear resistance of slot-milling heads, the AH735 grade has been added to the VST and VTB heads. This grade has a multilayered PVD structure that is coated on a dedicated tough carbide substrate.

Square shoulder and chamfer milling heads, including VCP, VCW, and VEE heads, now are available with the AH715 grade, providing them with wear resistance improvement.

Exchangeable-head milling tools minimize machine downtime because they take less than one minute for tool change, the company reports. Setup time also is reduced.

A total of eight milling heads have been added in this expansion.

Tungaloy | tungaloy.com