Tungaloy TungMeister exchangeable milling heads come in five new geometries

Tungaloy has introduced 88 additional heads to its TungMeister line, which now includes 13,000 variations. These new additional exchangeable heads come in five new geometries: VFX high feed milling heads, VBL lens-shape milling head for 5-axis machining, VEE small-diameter square shoulder milling head, VDS spot drilling and chamfering head, and VDP center drilling head.

VFX milling head for high feed applications now offers 6 flute version, in addition to existing 2- and 4-fluted milling head.

The new VBL lens-shape milling head has a convexly shaped cutting edge on the tool’s tip, instead of on the periphery.

VEE square shoulder end milling heads are now available with a S04-size screw thread for secure coupling of a 6 mm diameter head with the shanks in the same diameter of 6 mm.

VDS is a spot drilling head for creating a small dent on the surface of the material to correctly locate the center of a drill when commencing a penetration.

The VDP center drill head now includes Type B, forming a hole with two chamfers: a 60 degree chamfer and 120 degree chamfer at the start of the hole in a single drilling operation.

Tungaloy | www.tungaloy.com