Mill/turn control offers probing cycle option for 3-D shapes

Heidenhain’s TNC 640 mill/turn control is available with the Cycle 444 3-D probing cycle for inspecting free-form surfaces that pose measurement challenges.

The cycle checks one point on the surface of each workpiece. The contact point is determined by a vector that is normal to the 3-D surface. The measurement cycle enables the measurement of 3-D shapes such as free-form surfaces of a mould part, and based on a defined tolerance range along the vector, checks the determined measured values. It is advisable to determine the normal vector with the help of a CAD/CAM system.

A parameter is given for classifying a part as good/rework/scrap. The control also outputs a log file with documented positions and deviations.

Heidenhain Corp. * 847-490-1191 *