Implementing ISO 50001 

Carbon neutrality and sustainability in manufacturing are the future; ISO 50001 helps to realize it

World energy consumption is steadily rising and is projected to grow an additional 30 per cent by 2040. Also, energy significantly contributes to climate change, making up more than 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions.

The CWB Group recognizes the need for energy management; companies that implement ISO 50001 can systematically improve their energy performance. First established in 2011, it has since become widely adopted in organizations worldwide to help them become more energy conscious.

An energy management system helps manage energy use. Organizations can develop and implement a policy that sets achievable targets for energy use and design action plans with measurable goals and targets. This allows for data collection that can lead to better decision-making regarding energy usage.

Benefits of ISO 50001

The benefits of implementing ISO 50001 include: 

Increased Energy Efficiency. This reduces energy consumption and improves efficiency, with cost savings and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as its goals.

Improved Environmental Performance. Companies can achieve this by decreasing energy consumption, which can help them successfully reduce their carbon footprint, which many organizations now mandate. This also allows them to comply with environmental regulations and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability by improving environmental performance.

Competitive Advantage and Enhanced Reputation. By reducing energy consumption and improving efficiency, organizations can reduce operating costs and increase profitability. Also, companies that focus on environmental factors and sustainability will profoundly set themselves apart from their competitors, especially in the eyes of customers who value socially responsibility.

Improved Risk Management. The CWB Group can help organizations identify and mitigate risks associated with energy consumption to help reduce operational disruption. It also can help ensure compliance with regulatory requirements by conducting thorough audits. Plus, prior to certification, the group will assess a company’s energy management system, including policies, procedures, and performance indicators. This will help it share best practices to improve an organization’s energy consumption habits. 

ISO 50001 in Action

Recently, 3M won an award from the Department of Energy for consistently demonstrating true leadership in the field of energy management. The CWB Group took great pride in having 3M as a client because the company exemplifies a commitment to sustainability and the environment. With this award, 3M has set an example for organizations to revisit their policies and focus on what matters most. 

If your organization is interested in implementing the ISO 50001 standard, the CWB Group will be with you every step of the way. From certification to training to consulting services for welding, inspection, and testing, you will always receive the support you need to succeed. With the implementation of ISO 50001, you will have a framework to systematically improve your energy performance, reduce consumption, and improve your carbon footprint. It is a vital tool to remain socially responsible and practice sustainability. 

For questions about the ISO 50001 standard, please contact Jean-Francois Philippe at

Rhea Gill is communications lead at CWB Group, 8360 Parkhill Drive, Milton, Ont. L9T 5V7, 800-844-6790,,